​Peggy Mintun Art​
Upcoming Shows and Events

Wabi Sabi and the Wild Beasts
Closing reception: Friday, June 26, 6pm - 9pm
Clayspace/Gallery 831, 831 South Front Street
Columbus, OH

Other Shows and Locations
Come out to see my work at...
Black Creek Bistro
Until June 30
Corner of Parsons Avenue and Oak Street in Olde Town East, Columbus, Ohio
Coming in August - Something Sweet Coffee Shop
August 1 - 30
2 N Sandusky St, Delaware, OH 43015
October - There Are Monsters Under Your Bed - Gallery 831
I am organzing this group show for the gallery...call for entries coming soon!
Opening reception: Friday, October 2
831 Front Street, Columbus, Ohio
April 2016 - Telesthesia - Gallery 831
An abstract show with Bush.Kurella.Mintun.Senecal
More information later...
831 Front Street, Columbus, Ohio

Abstract Paint Painting Class @ Clayspace/Gallery 831
Sign up for the next Abstract Painting Class at Clayspace/Ga;ery 831.
When: July 25th, 3 pm to 5 pm
Where: Clayspace/Gallery 831 - 831 South Front Street, Columbus, Ohio
Fee: $25 each
Deadline: When we reach 15 participants or July 22.
For more information, or to sign up, contact Tami Knight today.
Visit my Youtube channel for videos of the process.
* Children over six years old are welcome, but must be accompanied by their parent or guardian.

Open Studio - 2015 Schedule
Mark your calendars for the following dates...
Third Quarter: Saturday, September 12th (buy something for you!)
Fourth Quarter: Saturday, November 21st (get ready for the holidays!)
More information to come about discounts earned from attending these events.